Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Worst day you ever had in UIET..

So, time to leave the college is coming near, but the memories will remain with you for the lifetime. This is one of the questions you would like to comment on, as the day in college, when you realized something about life and its hardships.....share, that's how you can help others realize, how harsh life could be, in a day in COLLEGE.
(NOTE: This post is a mag board requirement for vine09.)


  1. i think it wud b da day of da analog prac ... when rajput chuckd half of da class out .. nd told evry third person dat hez gonna flunk him .. man, i wz shit scared; bt in da end, ven da results came out .. nobody flunkd :)

  2. Truly the worst day was giving the expernal viva to Mr. Rajput... We people knew nothing in the viva but somehow managed to get through...

  3. when i got a zero both in first and second sessional of electrical . i was embarassed and down... and guess how many i got n the third
